Two Important Benefits of China Green Tea


Supports a Healthy Brain We are always looking for a wa […]

  1. Supports a Healthy Brain
    We are always looking for a way to help keep our brains sharp as we age. Some research suggests that the antioxidants present in CHINA GREEN TEA may have beneficial effects on our neurological system. Specifically, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) may protect brain cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can lead to diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and others. One small study found that individuals who drank a green tea beverage daily had better brain function and improved task performance than those who did not.
  2. May Promote a Healthy Weight
    Be wary of green tea weight-loss claims. Some advertisements claim that green tea can speed weight loss, but research results are mixed.

Green tea contains catechins, as well as caffeine. Some studies suggest that it is the combination of these two working together that may increase energy metabolism leading to weight loss. One analysis concluded that green tea showed a “small positive effect” on weight loss and weight loss maintenance. A more recent, larger review also found that green tea may provide a small, “non-significant” weight loss, and no benefit for weight loss maintenance.

Although its caffeine and catechins may offer a slight metabolism boost, green tea is not the magic answer for weight loss. However, drinking a few cups of green tea or any non-calorie tea per day may be beneficial in other ways. For example, drinking calorie-free tea may help you decrease your hunger and stay away from other high-calorie foods.

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